View from the stalls 4


View from the stalls 4

Leading you to prosperity? Or down the garden path!

There are leaders, then there are followers. Some set the bar, others strive to reach it. Usually it’s pretty easy to distinguish between the two, but the question is, who are those lurking in between! I mean really! Who are they, and why do they do what they do? These are the “false prophets”, the agent provocateurs, or in layman’s terms, the spoilers who lead you down the garden path. They are those whose sole aim is to nitpick at the success and achievements of true leaders and to cast aspersions upon their characters. Beware of them! They are the posers who will lead you down the garden path for the proverbial” twenty pieces of silver”, 

 “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them” a phrase attributed to Shakespeare, is perhaps the best way to describe real leaders. They are the ones who initiate, who pioneer, who put the interests of their followers above their egos. These are the pathfinders. They are identified by their raw energy and honesty in action. They are able to divorce issues. They avoid non-constructive confrontation and will always advocate dialogue. These are the people who are loved by the followers and loathed by the inbetweeners. Above all, true leaders lead from the front.

This special-needs informal economy cannot afford the luxury of stagnation, failure, or implosion.  Being led down the garden path is not an option to consider. It is a course to destruction. But hey! we live in a democracy where we get to choose and elect those whom we wish to lead us. Granted, we can’t all be leaders. There are chiefs, and there are Indians. There are generals and there are the foot soldiers. There is a conductor and there is an orchestra. It really comes down to credentials, capability, merit, and the ability to deliver. Once you’ve found these, you’ve found your leaders. Grab them before someone else does…. 

By Q-squared.

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