
Showing posts from September, 2022

View from the stalls Blog 5 - Springing into Spring.

  View From The Stalls 5                                                                             Springing into Spring. It’s official…Spring has sprung! (If we are to believe the Gregorian calendar). Our weather services on the other hand   beg to differ. They predict more rain, colder, and possibly snow! “What the fffflip’s going on?” I can just picture it now, two young lovers both wearing wellies, anoraks, and woolen beanies prancing through the meadow, occasionally stopping to pick daisies, “she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she…” oh what the heck Monique, it’s too damn cold, let’s get back to the car”. Goodness me! we should by now have been wearing shorts and tees. Speaking of tees, saw a guy on the market the other day wearing a tee with the letter “R” printed across the entire front. I thought his name’s probably Robert, or Richard, or perhaps Rafik. Then I thought, this guy hadn’t thought this through properly. Now had he made the “R” smaller; he could have had

View from the stalls 4

   View from the stalls 4 L eading you to prosperity? Or down the garden path! There are leaders, then there are followers. Some set the bar, others strive to reach it. Usually it’s pretty easy to distinguish between the two, but the question is, who are those lurking in between! I mean really! Who are they, and why do they do what they do? These are the “false prophets”, the agent provocateurs, or in layman’s terms, the spoilers who lead you down the garden path. They are those whose sole aim is to nitpick at the success and achievements of true leaders and to cast aspersions upon their characters. Beware of them! They are the posers who will lead you down the garden path for the proverbial” twenty pieces of silver”,   “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them” a phrase attributed to Shakespeare, is perhaps the best way to describe real leaders. They are the ones who initiate, who pioneer, who put the interests of their followers above thei